
To get started, you’ll want to create a connection class. It will contain the settings necessary to connect to your LDAP.

from ldapper.connection import BaseConnection

class Connection(BaseConnection):
    BASE_DN = 'dc=example,dc=com'
    URI = 'ldaps://'

You’ll go on to create a class that all of your models can inherit from in order to pick up on the connection settings that you want them to be backed against.

Creating this class is not strictly necessary, but it is convenient if all of your models are going to use the same connection.

from ldapper.ldapnode import LDAPNode

class BaseModel(LDAPNode):
    connection = Connection

Create your first model:

from ldapper.fields import ListField, StringField

class Person(BaseModel):
    uid = StringField('uid', primary=True)
    firstname = StringField('givenName')
    lastname = StringField('sn')
    common_names = ListField('cn')

    class Meta:
        objectclasses = ['top', 'inetOrgPerson']
        dn_format = 'uid=%(uid)s,ou=people'
        primary_dnprefix = 'ou=people'
        secondary_dnprefix = 'ou=people'
        identifying_attrs = ['uid']
        searchable_fields = ['uid', 'givenName', 'sn']

If your LDAP is anonymous, you can start using this model right away:

>>> for person in Person.list():
...     print(person.uid)

Otherwise, set an active connection first.


The connection will be set statically for all Models to use.